November 2012
Desh Videsh November 2012 – Cover Story

The Unveiling of Mahatma Gandhi’s Statue in Davie, Florida An address by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India
I am delighted to participate in the unveiling of the Mahatma Gandhi statue in Orlando on this auspicious day of October 2, 2012 when the entire world is celebrating the millennium leader Mahatma Gandhiji’s birthday and taking an oath to follow the Gandhian philosophy in their day-to-day activities. My greetings to organizers, all the participants of this event, and distinguished …
Incredible Indians

Gandhi Conquers Yet Another Land
In this day and age, we are all trying to firmly keep hold of what is important. Whether it is our family and loved ones, possessions and belongings, or even our ideals and principles, everyone needs an anchor. It is perhaps more relevant to us all because we seem to have lost the ability to control our surroundings, and to …
Incredible Indians

Gandhi’s Insptirational Message to Today’s Youth -By Annmarie Varghese
Author by Annmarie Varghese I live in the Town of Davie, which is in South Florida. On October 2, 2012 a bronze statue of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in the nearby Falcon’s Lea Park. This project, initiated by Kerala Samajam of South Florida, was made possible by the Town of Davie who gave half an acre of land for the …
community news

Sahara of South Florida, Inc
Sahara of South Florida is holding it’s annual fundraiser on Saturday, November 17th from 6:00-9:00 PM at the Walter C. Young Auditorium in Pembroke Pines, FL. Sahara of South Florida is a non-profit organization assisting South Asian women through culture specific supportive counseling and advocacy. Sahara was formed to address the needs of South Asian women from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, …

I Love Gita: A South Florida Annual Tradition for Over a Decade
I Love Gita is Chinmaya Mission Miami’s annual Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chanting Competition that celebrates and promotes learning the Gita among the younger generation. The competition has been conducted for over a decade in South Florida, showcasing the best of scholarship, discipline, and courage in the community’s children, youth, and adults, as they chant to uphold the value and glory …
festival of india

Letting Diwali Shine Through
The festival of Diwali tends to be celebrated in superficial ways today. While there is no harm in indulging in the superficial, it is also important to remember that with every passing Diwali, another year has passed us by. Diwali is among the most awaited, celebrated festivals by Hindus not just in India, but all around the world. After a …
get to know

Interview with Shaina Rashid
Recently, Desh-Videsh sat down with Shaina Rashid, a Bangladeshi-American who was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Currently, Shaina is a college sophomore. Her love for music was fostered at a young age, and Shaina has now been singing for over 10 years. Besides signing, Shaina studies, helps with the family business, and designs clothing. Please tell us about …

Immigration Q & A November 2012
Author by Edward Boreth Q. Can I stay in the United States if I buy property here? A. If you simply buy a house or condo, it is not enough to apply for a green card or even a temporary visa. If you wish to purchase business property to start a business, or purchase and already existing business, you may …

Editorial November 2012
November 2012 Dear Readers, As we approach another Diwali, let me first discuss a subject that is near and dear to my heart. This month’s lead article, “Gandhi Conquers Yet Another Land in America,” goes beyond the title indicates. Gandhiji captures the hearts of thousands of non-Indian men, women and children in America. When Joy Kutiyani, President of Kerala Samaj, …
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