
GOPIO convention: Diaspora Indian opportunities


The annual convention of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) is scheduled to take place from April 26 to April 28 in New Jersey, under the theme “Opportunities for Diaspora Indians in India’s Big Manifest Future.” According to a press release, the timing of the GOPIO-2024 convention at Royal Albert Palace, Fords, New Jersey, is particularly significant as it aims to delve into India’s present and future trajectory, and the potential roles that diaspora Indians can undertake to contribute to this vision.

The convention’s agenda encompasses a welcome reception/dinner inauguration on April 26, followed by a series of conference sessions aimed at discussing various aspects of diaspora engagement and India’s development prospects. The event will culminate with a finale awards banquet on April 27, dedicated to recognizing outstanding community service. Additionally, the GOPIO general body meeting is scheduled for April 28.

Nine conference sessions have been planned, covering topics such as the involvement of diaspora youth and young achievers in shaping India’s future, the growing contributions of diaspora women across various sectors, and the leadership of diaspora Indians in research, innovation, and technology, including AI. Other sessions will explore the role of diaspora businesses, healthcare professionals, and academia in India’s progress, as well as the cultural contributions of diaspora writers and entertainers.

The convention will feature notable entertainers, including internationally acclaimed comedian Dan Nainan, Grammy Award Winner Falu Shah, and Sarangi instrumentalist Kamal Sabri. Participants have the option to register for the entire convention or select specific events, such as conferences, the welcome dinner, and the awards banquet, through the provided registration link.

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