Raj Shah, Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media Group

Editorial October 2024

Many people often ask me, “When are you going to retire?” My response is always, “I Feel like I’m already retired.” It may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. What is retirement, really? To me, retirement means finally doing what you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for, and finding the greatest joy in it. For me, publishing Desh-Videsh magazine month after month, hosting bridal shows, writing and talking about Indian and Hindu culture, meeting new people, and helping them—these are the things I love. My current work, or rather my retirement, allows me to do exactly that.

Even more meaningful is the opportunity to meet incredible people along this journey of life. Last month, Aruna and I had the honor of meeting someone truly extraordinary. This person, though world-famous, carries herself with the humility of an ordinary individual. She has inspired millions across the globe and taught countless people how to rediscover joy in life. People say that Goddess Saraswati has blessed this person’s speech.

I’m sure you’ve already guessed who I’m referring to. Yes, it’s none other than Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani. For many, meeting Sister Shivani in person is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Aruna and I had the privilege of meeting her three times last month during her visit to South Florida. We met her on the morning of Saturday, September 21, 2024, at the Brahma Kumari center in Miami, then again that evening at the Rick Case Arena at Nova University. The next morning, on Sunday, September 22, 2024, we met her once more at the Regency Hotel in Miami. Each meeting was more inspiring than the last, making this spiritual journey one I will cherish for the rest of my life. The Saturday and Sunday morning sessions were intimate gatherings with only a few attendees, and we are deeply grateful to Sister Waddy from the BK center in Miami for inviting us.

As I mentioned earlier, it was truly a privilege and an honor to meet Sister Shivani in person. Sister Waddy not only extended an invitation to us, but also secured front-row seats for us.

The Saturday lecture called Sakar Murlis, which are the original teachings of Shiv Baba, the Supreme Teacher, as they were first spoken through His corporeal medium, Prajapita Brahma, from 1951 until January 18, 1969.

The Sunday lecture was called Avyakt Murli, consisting of teachings delivered from 1969 until 2015 through the medium of Dadi. Avyakt Murlis contains profound insights into human nature, the world, and the entire creation of the universe.

Being in the front row gave me the impression that Sister Shivani was speaking directly to me. By now, I am sure you all know that every lecture given by Sister Shivani carries a unique and deeply spiritual message.

The key takeaway or slogan from Saturday’s lecture was: “Those who remain constantly content and make others content are jewels of contentment.” Sunday’s message was: “Continuously have faith that whatever is happening is good and that whatever is going to happen will be even better.” With this belief, you will remain unshakeable and immovable.”

Wow! What a clear spiritual and universal message. Even though the philosophy has Hindu roots, it doesn’t mention any religion, making it universal.

On Saturday evening, in front of more than 3000 people, Sister Shivani spoke about “Healing the Heart, Releasing the Hurt.” She focused on empowering individuals to master their minds and take charge of their emotional well-being. She guided the audience into a state of relaxation, encouraging them to focus on the center of their forehead, a symbolic place where thoughts and emotions originate.

Sister Shivani emphasized the distinction between external situations and internal responses, explaining that while circumstances may not always align with our expectations, how we choose to respond to them defines our life. She encouraged participants to acknowledge that they are the creators of their thoughts and emotions, which ultimately shape their destiny.

Her message emphasized that our thoughts, not the external situation, cause pain. She used examples, such as a faulty microphone or challenging relationships, to demonstrate how individuals can either perpetuate hurt or choose to heal by shifting their thoughts. By becoming aware of their thought patterns and consciously choosing higher vibrational thoughts, individuals can free themselves from emotional pain and heal past wounds.

Sister Shivani also touched on the power of forgiveness, explaining that forgiving others and ourselves allows us to release the burden of past hurts. This process not only heals the individual but also positively influences relationships and situations. She concluded by inviting the audience to continue their journey of soul-strengthening through Raj Yoga meditation, reminding them that they are empowered to create peace, happiness, and harmony in their lives.

As you may know, last month Sister Shivani visited several cities in the US and the Caribbean and enlightened the people with her spiritual wisdom. Unfortunately, I could not attend other lectures live, but I listened to all of  them on YouTube several times.

Here is the excerpt of Sister Shivani’s lecture on “Master Your Mind, Master Your Life” in Atlanta on September 17, 2024.

Sister Shivani’s focus is on understanding the power of thoughts and how they shape our lives. She began by explaining the significance of the greeting “Om Shanti,” which means “I am a peaceful soul,” emphasizing how it serves as a reminder of our true nature. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress is often considered normal, Sister Shivani encouraged everyone to realign with their original state of peace and calm.

A key part of her message focused on becoming aware of how our thoughts and responses create our reality. By reflecting on recent situations, she highlighted how we often react to circumstances rather than consciously choosing a response that uplifts and strengthens us. She urged the audience to master their mind by cultivating positive, empowering thoughts, which can transform both personal experiences and relationships, rather than allowing external situations to control them.

She also spoke about the impact of our environment and the vibrations we create, using the temple as a metaphor. Just as we contribute to the peaceful energy of a temple, we can cultivate similar vibrations in our homes. Sister Shivani urged families to create highly vibrational homes by fostering pure thoughts, practicing meditation, and consuming positive content. By doing so, we can shield ourselves and our children from the chaotic influences of the outside world.

Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of diet, content consumption, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, noting how these elements directly affect our mental and emotional well-being. Sister Shivani concluded by inviting the audience to participate in a 45-day experiment of self-transformation—committing to pure thoughts, a plant-based diet, and a content detox. Through consistent practice, she assured us that we could not only transform ourselves but also positively impact the world around us.

Let me conclude this editorial by expressing, once again, that meeting and listening to Sister Shivani was an extraordinary experience. It was not just an event, but a profound spiritual journey that left a lasting impact on my life. Her words carried a depth of wisdom and clarity that resonated deeply within me, offering insights into the true meaning of peace, mindfulness, and inner strength. This encounter provided a life-enriching message, reminding me of the importance of self-awareness and living with purpose. It was a transformative experience that I will carry forward, inspiring both my thoughts and actions.

Raj Shah-Managing Editor of Desh-Videsh Media GroupPlease visit the following link to find the link of Sister Shivani’s lectures. which she delivered in the USA and more information about BK Centers.


Finally, I would like to wish all our Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist readers a Happy Diwali, and our Gujarati readers a “Happy and healthy prosperous New Year.”

Speaking of Diwali, do not forget to read Sister Shivani’s article on the spiritual significance of Diwali.

OM Shanti

Raj Shah
Managing Editor
Desh-Videsh Media Group

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