Editorial March Atlanta 2023
Dear Reader,
Just get engaged? Overwhelmed by the thought of planning your wedding? Don’t worry, the Desh-Videsh Media Group staff is ready to assist you with their first 2023 Desh-Videsh wedding resource special edition. I frequently came across wedding planning information that was heavily laden with negative language while doing research and preparing for this special edition. The difficulty, expense, and frustration of wedding planning were frequently highlighted in the resources. And in my opinion, that is a far cry from the truth. I’ve previously discussed my “half full/half empty” comparison. If you believe that wedding planning will be stressful and frustrating, it will be stressful and frustrating. But if you believe that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to plan your big day, it will be full of joy. Remember that you are getting married to the love of your life and having a party to celebrate the gift of loving and receiving love in return. When you view a wedding’s beauty through a golden lens, a new experience will emerge. As you embark on this exciting journey, I wish and hope that this issue makes you feel as bright as day. If you’re experiencing a period of difficulty, go outside and soak up some sunlight. Talk to your soul mate or your best friend. Now is the time to celebrate your love. There is no better time to make lifelong, loving memories than during a wedding, since a wonderful aura permeates the celebration areas. The team at Desh-Videsh Media Group has put together a wedding issue packed with real wedding stories that will fascinate readers with the magical world of weddings and provide a front-row seat to these lovely moments. This exclusive wedding resource guide is exactly what couples need before they jump into the unknown waters of wedding planning. And, what better way to get a feel for what all of this entails than with a magazine filled to the brim with ideas and inspiration coming directly from real couples and their superb wedding vendors? The ideal coffee table journal to keep close by as you make your way to the mandap or the altar is Desh-Videsh Wedding. You have arrived at the ideal location if you’re looking for creative insight. You will find it here, no matter the location or type of wedding that fills your dreams. This magazine brings you captivating events from all over the nation and beautiful love stories from every region, all bursting with a variety of fashion and personalities. Couples relate their anecdotes, and you will also read eye-opening accounts from the immensely brilliant vendors who worked arduously to make these ideal days a reality. There is no better reading material to have by your side if you need ideas. Whether it’s the color scheme you’re looking for, a venue or a vendor you might be considering, or a piece of advice you didn’t even know you needed, we are certain you will find a few ideas here. The pressure and stress of wedding planning will be relieved after reading about our couples’ experiences, and seeing comments and recommendations from some of the vendors could make all the difference in the decisions you make in the run-up to your big day. So read through these pages if you are yearning for a taste of the wedding world to warm your heart and inspire your intellect! Let’s talk about one of my favorite subjects: Hindu wedding customs. For a Hindu family, a wedding serves as the fulfillment of one of the nine sanskars of life, in addition to being a festivity and celebration. In other words, marriage is a duty that every Hindu must fulfill since it is a matter of moral and religious obligation, and is required of everyone in all situations. Let me take this opportunity to present a lovely poem that Tanvi, a longtime Desh-Videsh reader and a recent newlywed, wrote. She composed this poetry, which her cousin Vaidehi recited in the mandap shortly before Tanvi walked seven steps with her soul mate. In a Hindu wedding, an eternal bond is formed, The vows taken, the rituals performed, The seven vows, taken with solemnity, The sindoor, the mangalsutra, and the ring, As the couple walks around the sacred fire, In a Hindu wedding, an eternal bond is sealed, What a beautiful way of describing the important rituals of a Hindu wedding! Let me close this column by reminding you about our upcoming bridal show in South Florida on April 23, 2023. Mark the My Shadi Bridal Expo on your calendar! It’s the place to be for answers to all of your event planning questions in just one afternoon!
See you at the show in South Florida! Raj Shah |