Editorial August 2020
Dear Readers,
We thought we could live with the invisible enemy COVID-19. Unfortunately, it seems that the virus does not want to leave us. Of course, to some extent, we are at fault too. When government officials eased lockdown restrictions, we completely forgot what we went through during the shutdown and started behaving like nothing happened. Especially in Florida, the public flocked to beaches and other public places the way we used to enjoy our spring breaks. With an increase in people going to protests and at times, disregarding social distancing guidelines, opportunities for COVID-19 to take over were many. Of course now we know what happened due to these irresponsible behaviours. Here we are, back in another longtime lockdown. I hope we learn from our mistakes, and we will be responsible citizens. Enough of my analysis of human behaviours. Let me turn to the topic on hand, the August issue of Desh-Videsh magazine. At Desh-Videsh, we always talk about our health and wellness. But in this unprecedented time it will be very timely to present a series of articles on health and wellness. To begin, our article “To Buy Organic or Not?” tackles a hotly discussed topic everywhere. In recent times with the advantage of online buying, we have lots of choices that have brought prices down, making organic foods more affordable for the masses. Learn more about how foods are classified organic and what items you can incorporate into your diet. The article “Ghee is Not the Enemy” provides some interesting facts and removes myths about this traditional food that has been with us for generations. Be sure to read it to learn more about ayurvedic reasons to incorporate ghee into your diet. Speaking of ayurveda, we need to discuss other ways to keep ourselves healthy besides eating nutritious food and that is to exercise. The article “Can’t Get to the Gym” shows ways to stay in shape from the comfort of your own home. And the last and definitely most important way to keep yourself healthy is to meditate. Our article “Why You Should Meditate” outlines the benefits of meditation, shows ways to create a good space to practice, methods to fall asleep, reduce anxiety and stress, create a calm environment, and connect with spirituality. Now let me turn to my favorite topic, talking about my mentor, Prime Minister Modi ji. I have been studying and following Modi ji ever since he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, my home state in India. But everyday I learn some very interesting facts about Modi ji. In this issue, the article “Prime Minister Narendra Modi, A Hidden Poet,” I talk about yet another talent of our beloved Prime Minister. Modi ji has written several poems in Gujarati and in Hindi, but the poem I have included in this article, “Abhi to sooraj uga hai” (The sun has just risen) is one of the best poems in my opinion. It talks about the problems, but at the same time it gives hopes.
Let me end my column by wishing our readers Happy Independence day on August 15! Raj Shah |