December 2008
Desh Videsh December 2008- Cover Story

Financial, Retirement and Tax Planning
As we plan for the year ahead, many of us also have finances on our minds. In this unstable economy, many of us may be struggling to make ends meet and could be worried about keeping our jobs. Uncertainty can certainly breed stress as we look for ways to protect our investments and save money in the future. This month, …
Financial Planning

Wealth Replacement with Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
Do you have an estate plan? If so, will it provide benefits you can enjoy in retirement as well as minimize your estate tax exposure? The following text outlines an innovative estate planning technique that provides value-added benefits to you and your spouse while you’re alive and helps take care of your family – and even a favorite charity – …
Financial Planning

Year-end Tax Tips in an Uncertain Economy
The decline in economic activity has many of our clients seeking advice on how to recover from their investment losses. There are some strategies that may help to reduce your tax liability and give you peace of mind. Unemployment: If you are unemployed, here are some suggestions to generate more cash: you can try liquidating some assets; borrow from a …
Financial Planning, Get to Know

What it Means to be an Executor
Imagine this … you’ve been nominated as the executor of your best friend’s will. You feel honored and at the same time begin to worry about what this means and how do you uphold the responsibilities of your potential future duties. In legal terms, an executor is responsible for settling a deceased person’s estate. In other words, you need to …
Financial Planning

Who Gets Mom’s Wedding Ring?
Recently I attended a function, where I ran into an old friend who explained her story to me. Long story short … she told me she and her husband filed for bankruptcy because of her husband’s medical condition, and they were now living with her mother. I asked her if they had a will, and she shyly said, “Oh, no …
Get to know

The Story of India with Michael Wood
A British television production company has produced a documentary film on the history of India. PBS and BBC jointly commissioned this documentary series, the first-ever made for television. It is written and presented by the acclaimed writer, historian, and broadcaster, Michael Wood, and it has already been transmitted on BBC to great acclaim and reviews. Composed of six, one-hour series, …