Chikungunya: Causes and Symptoms
Chikungunya has been known to cause havoc across the country in the recent years and it usually takes peak during the monsoon season.
Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected Aedes mosquito. Symptoms usually begin within 3-10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito .
High grade Fever
Body ache
Severe joint pains
Muscle pain
Skin Rashes
Take Paracetamol during fever
Maintain Hydration
Take plenty of fluids and Oral rehydration salt solution
Take proper rest
Chikungunya is diagnosed by blood test known as (ELISA).
Since the clinical appearance of both chikungunya and dengue are similar, laboratory confirmation is important especially in areas where dengue is present. Chikungunya is not a contagious disease.
Proper management of fever in chikunguniya is required Infected person should be isolated in order to avoid transmission of infection to other people.
It is also important to know how the disease can be prevented.
Scrub and dry desert cooler every week before refilling
Check the air conditioner
Keep the water tray of refrigerator clean and dry
Check underground and overhead tanks
Keep the roof top of houses clean
Cover all water tanks and containers with tight lid
Dispose all unused containers
Keep the water filled containers of birds clean
Destroy junk material, tyres and coconut shells
Do not allow water to stagnate in and around house
Chikungunia and other mosquito borne diseases can be prevented by controlling mosquito breeding.