Category Archive for: ‘Yoga’

  • Yoga & Ayurveda – The Sister Sciences

    The Top 5 Yoga Retreats in USA to Rejuvenate Yourself

    If you are desperate to beat your stress and live a fulfilling life, Yoga is the only way out. These Yoga retreats in the US could be the best places to get started with. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY Drive down Hudson Valley to the 250 …

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  • EXERCISE07 1

    Isolation Shouldn’t Stop People from Exercising Says Research

    Isolation means no access to sports clubs and gyms but this does not mean that people shouldn’t exercise. Bath University research suggests that maintaining a disciplined exercise regimen will offer a critical role in maintenance of a robust immune system. The global journal “Exercise Immunology …

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    Ten Guidelines from the Yoga Sutras: How to Stop Overeating and Eliminate Addictive Behavior

      The Eight Limbs of Yoga I.  Yam – life-supporting style of being 1.  Ahimsa—non-violence In order to be truly non-violent you must not harm others or yourself. First you have to know how to not harm yourself in order not to harm others. Overeating …

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  • Yoga & Ayurveda – The Sister Sciences

    Yoga & Ayurveda – The Sister Sciences

    In our ancient history, Yoga and Ayurveda have been known as sister sciences. Yoga, the spiritual science, helps us to achieve moksha (self-realization) through practices that help us determine our purpose and how we can achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Ayurveda, …

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  • Take a Moment of Mindfulness

    Yoga for Treating Drug Addiction

    Recently the world has celebrated the 5th International Yoga Day and almost every country people practiced the basic and specific yoga positions to be stress-free and healthy. In a protocol introduced in Chandigarh, the experts have declared that the Yoga is capable of treating the …

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  • How yoga conquered Britain: the feminist legacy of Yogini Sunita and Kailash Puri

    fizkes via Shutterstock Suzanne Newcombe, The Open University From fairly obscure beginnings in the mid-20th century, the practice of yoga in Britain has become a massively popular pastime. It’s hard to find official figures for just how many people practise yoga regularly, but it’s thought …

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  • Yoga isn’t timeless: it’s changing to meet contemporary needs

    By Jeremy David Engels, Pennsylvania State University International Yoga Day in London 2017 in Trafalgar Square. Anna Sunderland Engels., CC BY   On June 21, for International Yoga Day, people will take out their yoga mats and practice sun salutations or sit in meditation. Yoga …

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