Category Archive for: ‘Yoga’

  • Young woman practicing yoga

    Flatten Your Belly with These 6 Transformative Yoga Poses

    Yoga, with its holistic approach to fitness, continues to be the preferred method for those looking to tone and nourish their bodies. Despite the myriad of workout options available today, yoga stands out for its ability to address the entire body and promote overall well-being. …

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  • emotional-detox


    By Brahma Kumari Shivani Our physical bodies are made up of what we feed them – food, water, the air we breathe. Likewise, our minds are made from everything we read, converse about, listen to, and watch.  Today, in the name of knowledge and entertainment …

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  • Young woman practicing yoga

    Breathe Easy: Pranayama Techniques to Reduce Wedding Stress

    By Chahna Gupta Weddings are joyous occasions, but the preparations can sometimes leave brides, grooms, and even their families feeling overwhelmed. Amidst the flurry of planning, pranayama — the ancient art of breath control in yoga — offers a serene oasis. The word Pranayama can …

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  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi

    Poetry Contest : Prime Minister Modi

    Some of you may know that Aruna and I visited India early this year. I have written in my editorial column about celebrating Jan 26 – India republic day at  Gujarat VidyaPeeth, institute founded by Mahatma Gandhi, visited Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad on Jan 30th, …

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  • Ayurvedic Chyavanprash Served Antique Bowl With Ingredients 1

    Ayurvedic Tips and Tricks By Chahna Tailor

    Happy August! Since we are in the full swing of the summer season, let’s go through some Ayurvedic tips to brighten your skin, make your hair healthier, and keep you calm and relaxed through this fun time! Skin Care     Swedana, sweating, is great …

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  • Happy Kid

    How Kids Can Benefit from Mindfulness Training

       Now that 2021 is here, many are looking for new ways to manage stress. Although mindfulness and meditation are not new – there is evidence suggesting that humans have been practicing meditation for more than 5,000 years – many are turning to these techniques …

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  • Ways to Stay in Shape When You Can’t Go to the Gym

    Ways to Stay in Shape When You Can’t Go to the Gym

    Maintaining a firm and defined body without going to the gym may sound like a dream, but it is possible if you take a few simple steps on a daily basis. Spend only a few minutes on a few exercises and in any location available …

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  • Yoga University

    World’s first yoga University named after Swami Vivekananda launched outside India

    As part of the 6th International Yoga Day commemorations, the world’s first yoga university outside India has been launched in Los Angeles, California offering programmes that combine scientific principles and modern research approaches to the ancient Indian practice of yoga. The Vivekananda Yoga University (VaYU)  …

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  • Through the Eyes of a CHYK

    Meditation is a reward for Kid’s Healthy Future

    Nowadays, the benefits of meditation are widely recognized among children.  Meditating has neurological benefits enhancing connectivity in different parts of the brain. There is evidence showing meditation relieves depression, anxiety, improves concentration, attention, and overall psychological well-being of kids. Catherine Wilde, Kids Yoga & Meditation …

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    Too early COVID-19 Test can give negative results: Research

    Testing people too early for COVID19 during infection might end up in a false-negative diagnosis. According to a study, the best practice is to test the victim after three days from the appearance of the symptom. A recent study was conducted by researchers from Johns …

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