Dr. Alok Kumar
About the Author:
Dr. Alok Kumar is a professor of physics at the State University of New York at Oswego. He was born and educated in India. Later, he taught at California State University at Long Beach. He has been teaching in the American higher education for over three decades. At Oswego, Kumar has received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the President’s Award for Creative and Scholarly Activity and Research. He has more than 65 refereed research publications and coauthored a reference book, Science in the Medieval World. His another coauthored book, A History of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge will soon be published. Kumar is a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany and NOVA/NASA fellowships. About 90 articles are published in the popular media that discuss Kumar’s scholarship. These media outlets include The Washington Post, Family Life, The Scientists, and India Abroad. He is active in the fields of atomic physics, chemical physics, history of science, and science education.

Sciences of the Ancient Hindus: Unlocking Nature in the Pursuit of Salvation By Alok Kumar
Author by Dr. Alok Kumar Book Review By : Dr. Ronald A. Brown, Emeritus Professor of Physics, SUNY-Oswego Alok Kumar, in his book, Sciences of the Ancient Hindus: Unlocking Nature in the Pursuit of Salvation, has provided a powerful and comprehensive insight into the extraordinary …