Author Archive for: ‘admin’

  • 7 Steps to a More Serene Life

    7 Steps to a More Serene Life

    Take this quick test: What are the thoughts that typically cross your mind in the course of a day these days? Do they run along the following lines? I’m totally exhausted and my backaches. I obsess about problems but can’t seem to develop solutions. My …

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  • NRI Success Stories - Bobby Jindal

    Young Indian Politicians

    Youths; Politics; Indians-These are three terms that are usually not found together. To be a young Indian in politics, one needs three essential qualities: persistence, fearlessness and a great deal of ambition. The fact that Indians compose the wealthiest minority group in the United States, …

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  • Kiran Ahluwalia

    One on One With Kiran Ahluwalia

    At an age when most children of her age were in their world of fun and games, nine-year-old Kiran Ahluwalia would accompany her parents for music concerts. Often the only child at these informal ghazal sessions in the basement of Toronto houses, Kiran could not …

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  • ABCD - What does it mean to be an Indian American?ABCD - What does it mean to be an Indian American?

    ABCD – What does it mean to be an Indian American?

    Is this term even applicable? Perhaps, second-generation Indians can answer this question. If you were born in the States, and are of Indian origin more than likely you have heard the term “ABCD” used to describe you. ABCD stands for an “American Born Confused Desi.” …

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  • January 2005

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  • Swami Vivekananda

    Mystical Prose of Swami Vivekananda

    “Vivekananda taught awakened India to come out of the slough of Despondence and face the world with a new self-confidence and almost a mission to global humanity.” K.R.S. Iyengar, Indian Writing in English (Sterling, 1985) Vivekananda’s various ser mons and lectures made re nascent Hinduism …

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  • Historic Two Week Peace Mission

    Historic Two Week Peace Mission

    For the first time in mod ern history, a group of both Indians and Pakistanis living in US, UK and Canada are jointly engaged in People-to-People diplomacy by organizing a joint visit to the region. (There have been many Indians visiting Pakistan and Pakistanis visiting …

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  • Traveling Through Pakistan

    Traveling Through Pakistan

    Pakistan is a beautiful country with scenery that changes from coastal beaches and lagoons to deserts of burning sand, and snow covered mountains peaks. It is the site of some of the earliest human habitation on earth, and home of an ancient people. Pakistan a …

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  • Tips for a New Employee in a Company or Project

    Tips for a New Employee in a Company or Project

    Whenever you join a new company, new project or a new team, one particular scenario is there. Then changes occurs, somebody goes onsite, somebody returns from onsite, somebody gets released from project, somebody joins new in the team, somebody resigns and leaves the company. Out …

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  • Diwali Celebration

    Diwali Celebration

    Greetings, on the occasion of Diwali, the most popular and widely celebrated festival in the Hindu world. We are grateful, once again, for the historic opportunity to celebrate Diwali in the White House with friends’ and family, and we express our gratitude to President George …

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