Author Archive for: ‘admin’

  • Friendship

    Words to Live By

    Friendship We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves: we encou-rage each other in mediocrity I m always longing to be with men more excellent than myself. – Charles Lamb Your friend is the one who knows all about you, and still likes you. …

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  • March 2005

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  • The Indian way of Seeking The Almighty

    But in looking at the ritual, at the idol, at the concept, why not start with the opposite assumption? Why start by assuming that they are empty, that they are the remnants of superstition? They had occurred to, they had been devised by seers, by …

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  • Remembering Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

    Remembering Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

    Some people are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. With Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan it had only been the first two. This legendary singer was born on 13 October 1948 in Lyallpur (later renamed Faisalabad), Pakistan.Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali …

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  • How to Start a Business?

    How to Start a Business?

    The process of starting a business is an exciting process, yet it involves so many questions! What sort of business do I start? Take a look at what interests you. What are you good at and what do you love to do? The point of …

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  • Dilip Barot

    Dilip Barot

    Building Bridge between Indian and USA Recently, Desh-Videsh sat down with Dilip Barot. A successful businessman, Mr. Barot’s latest venture is an oceanfront resort, and he resides in Palm Beach, FL. He has extensive hands-on experience in development, investment and management of over 7,000 residences …

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  • Incredible South Asians

    Incredible South Asians

    Women defy odds to tell stories of success Discrimination at work places and prejudice on the home front may be common complaints but successful women have a different story to tell. Take risks, evaluate oneself, do not hesitate to brag about yourself, have courage and …

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  • Tips for Child Development

    Tips for Child Development

    First and foremost, children get “hooked” on listening to language, and they also learn valuable skills. Children learn the patterns and rhythms of their language, how words can be put together in a fun musical way.Patterns are very important for early reading and for math. …

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  • PATIALA One of the richest princely states in British India


    One of the richest princely states in British India Patiala is now a repository of stories in old brick and stone.Three kids are coming down the narrow track, dragging along an old bicycle; they are looking for a neon tree. I point out one near …

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  • February 2005

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