Author Archive for: ‘admin’

  • Guru Purnima

    Guru Purnima It is the divine time of year when we celebrate Guru Purnima, the day in which we offer our thanks, love and devotion to the Guru. The Guru Gita says that the Guru is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Verily, the Guru is the …

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  • The Relevance of Mahavir’s Values in Modern Times

    The Relevance of Mahavir’s Values in Modern Times

    Jainism is a magnificent treasure temple of Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography, History and Science it self. There cannot be a need to equate it with Science. Science is making steppingstone in the fields of several mysteries the world is keeping secret However Jainism have probably …

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  • Mirza Ghalib - The great Urdu Poet

    Mirza Ghalib – The great Urdu Poet

    We roll back the years till we see Ghalib as the child of a feudal aristocracy, embodiment of a class, rather than of a class, rather than of a nation, for nationhood had not yet been born in India. We see him happy, while his …

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  • May 2005

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  • Advice

    Bhagavad Gita and Management Dear Asha, I am 25 years old and just finished my graduate studies. I have been dating my boyfriend for about 5 years now and I recently told my parents about him. The reason I waited to tell them was because …

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  • Book Review

    Bhagavad Gita and Management The Philosophy, Psychology and Practice of Yoga Of the many Yoga paths leading to God or the Supreme Reality, four are more commonly known. These are Karma Yoga or the Path of Selfless Service, Bhakti Yoga or the Path of Devotion, …

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  • Words to live by

    Freedom and Independence Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence. – David Ben-Gurion No one can build his security upon the nobleness of another person. – Willa Cather It is not the greatness of a man’s means that makes him …

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  • Vinliz LItchi Wine

    Vinliz LItchi Wine

    The Next Sweet Thing The Litchi a member of the Sapindaceae family is native to the low elevations of southern China, where it has been cultivated for over 2,000 years. It is now cultivated throughout most southern Asiatic countries, including India, Vietnam, Malaysia and the …

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  • Kalpana Chavala

    Incredible Indians

    The final rites for Shri Sunil Dutt (world famous actor, political leader, humanitarian, social leader and philanthropist) were conducted at Parmarth Niketan. Sanjay Dutt and his sisters Priya and Namrata came with the entire family to immerse Shri Sunil Dutt’s ashes in the holy water …

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  • Fusion in Indian Cooking

    Fusion in Indian Cooking

    Schezwan paneer or Schezwan Tofu Preparation Time: 10 Minutes Cooking Time: 10 Minutes Serves 4 People Ingredients for Schezwan sauce: – ½ cup Minced ginger – ½ cup Minced garlic – ½ tea spoon black pepper – ½ cup corriander – ½ cup finely cut …

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