Shahid Barry

Shahid Barry

About the Author:
Shaid Barry, a financial professional, is President of S. Barry’s Financial Services, Inc. In the business since 1982, his expertise includes all types of life insurance products, disability income and health insurance, mutual funds, annulties, college plans, short- and long term investments with safety features in mind, investments for income, retirement plans and estate Planning. For more information, or call 954-970-4558.


So You Think You Will Spend Less in Retirement?

So You Think You Will Spend Less in Retirement? – Shahid Barry

Author by Shahid Barry People approaching retirement are likely to think they will spend less when they hang up their hats, but the reality might be a lot different than that according to researchers at Bern stein Global Wealth Management. In Daniel B. Eagan’s opinion, the idea that you will spend less in retirement might be the biggest misconception there …

life insurance products

disability income and health insurance

mutual funds


college plans

short- and long term investments with safety features in mind

investments for income

retirement plans

estate Planning