AIIMS institute

Vattikuti Foundation donates $2.8M for AIIMS institute

AIIMS institute

The Vattikuti Foundation, renowned for its innovations in robotic surgery, is set to revolutionise neurological care in India with a $2.8 million (INR 24 crore) donation. This funding will establish the Vattikuti Institute of Advanced Neurotechnology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi. The new facility aims to address the pressing needs of patients with movement disorders and neuro-psychiatric conditions by providing advanced, accessible healthcare. AIIMS will be the first public institution in India to host such a high-tech facility.

Founded by Indian American entrepreneur Raj Vattikuti and his wife, Padma, the foundation is known for its impactful contributions to healthcare. The institute will feature the Neuroblate 650, or Exablate-Neuro, a state-of-the-art high-intensity focused ultrasound device from Insightec. This non-invasive technology uses magnetic guidance to treat neurological conditions without surgery, offering a new alternative for conditions like tremors.

India faces a significant challenge with movement disorders, affecting around 30 million people. Current treatments, including medications and invasive surgical options like Deep Brain Stimulation, often come with high costs and side effects. The Neuroblate 650 presents a non-invasive solution that can treat tremors effectively, allowing patients to avoid surgery and recover swiftly.

Beyond tremors, Exablate-Neuro shows potential for treating other conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, neuropathic pain, epilepsy, and even glioblastoma multiforme by enhancing chemotherapy access. The Vattikuti Foundation plans to further research these applications, including in areas like epilepsy and addiction.

Dr. Mahendra Bhandari, CEO of the Vattikuti Foundation, highlighted India’s unique position for advancing medical technology due to its large population, strong academic infrastructure, and government support. The collaboration with AIIMS aims to democratise access to these advanced treatments, ensuring that they are available to a broad population.

The Vattikuti Institute for Advanced Neurotechnology is expected to become a leading centre for innovative research, potentially expanding the use of Exablate-Neuro to treat conditions like major depressive disorders, OCD, ALS, DIPG, and Alzheimer’s disease. This initiative represents a significant step towards transforming neurological care in India and globally.

Founded in 1997, the Vattikuti Foundation has a history of transforming healthcare, including contributions to robotic surgery and the establishment of major medical centres. With this new initiative, the foundation continues its mission to drive groundbreaking advancements in healthcare.

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