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Reach 75,000+
Indians, Pakistanis Bangladeshi, & Indo-Caribbeans in Southeast USA

Do I need to advertise is a question most people in business ask themselves? The answer of course is an emphatic “yes”, you cannot afford not to advertise.

According to a Dunn and Bradstreet report 95% of all failures in business are people who don’t advertise. Think about it for a moment. How do you expect people to buy the product or service that you are selling unless you make them an offer?

While word of mouth publicity may still be one of the best ways of telling people about your business, why take a chance? People can give you either good publicity or bad publicity depending on their own personal experience. This makes advertising the most important key that opens the door to business success.

Desh-Videsh is a monthly magazine that publishes information and articles of interest to the Asian community; a community that you want to do business with and who are most likely to constitute the largest segment of your clientele.

Our readers are families from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and the nearby islands that have the buying power, but cannot be reached by any other means of advertising.

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