4 Essential Dating Tips for Introverted Men
Author by Jasbina Ahluwalia
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by Jasbina Ahluwalia, Intersections Match
4 Essential Dating Tips for Introverted Men |
Most dating advice centers around being as social as possible, which is useful as long as you’re an outgoing person. Meeting people at parties can be a great way to introduce yourself to numerous people in a short time span and figure out where there is chemistry.
On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who feels drained in a crowd, who would rather be hanging out solo or with a small group of friends, channeling your inner social butterfly can be counterproductive — not to mention inauthentic.While the United States is one of the most extroverted nations in the world, there remains one-third to one-half of the population that tests as an introvert. Although dating may come easier to extroverts, it doesn’t have to be difficult for the introverts of our world. Like anyone, it takes playing to one’s strengths to be successful. Here are four tips to consider when dating. |
Quick review: What is an introvert?
Introversion and shyness are not synonyms. That’s right. You can be an introvert and also perfectly able to socialize, give presentations, and talk to strangers. Shyness is a fear or anxiety of social situations; introversion simply means that you gain energy (mental and physical) from doing things alone. Reading a book, going on a solitary walk, taking a bath, or bicycling alone may help an introvert feel recharged. Now that I know I’m an introvert, how do I find a date? |
About the Author
Jasbina Ahluwalia, Matchmaker & Dating Coach has pioneered an approach to matchmaking, which blends the best of The East and West. She is an Indian-American Attorney-turned-Entrepreneur, Relationship Expert, Radio Show Host and Matchmaker/Dating Coach. She is the Founder & President of Intersections Match by Jasbina, the only Premier Matchmaking & Dating Coaching Firm for Indian Singles in the U.S., Canada & the U.K. Jasbina previously practiced law in San Francisco and Chicago. She earned her B.A/M.A. in Philosophy from Vanderbilt University, and JD from the University of Michigan Law School. To learn about Intersections Match by Jasbina, visit www.IntersectionsMatch.com or contact Jasbina by email at info@intersectionsmatch.com.